What We Do
Free Laundry Services
“Miss Dorothy” is a 30ft. truck is equipped with three(3) sets of washers/dryers in order to provide clean clothing to our unhoused friends.
Free Laundry Services
“Miss Dorothy” is a 30ft. truck is equipped with three(3) sets of washers/dryers in order to provide clean clothing to our unhoused friends.
Shower Services
The truck has a full bathroom that will provide access to shower services to those in need.
Shower Services
“Miss Dorothy” has a full bathroom that will provide access to shower services to those in need.
Hygiene Products
Through our gracious donors, Suds of Love Truck provides essential hygiene products to those in need.
Hygiene Products
Through our gracious donors, Suds of Love Truck provides essential hygiene products to those in need.
Disaster Relief
If called upon, Suds of Love would be available to assist with disaster relief to provide comfort and compassion to those in need.
Disaster Relief
If called upon, Suds of Love would be available to assist with disaster relief to provide comfort and compassion to those in need.
Washer and Dryer Sets
To date, Suds Of Love and Donors have gifted THIRTY-THREE Washer/Dryer sets to some of the neediest schools in our local communities.
Washer and Dryer Sets
To date, Suds Of Love and Donors have gifted THIRTY-SEVEN Washer/Dryer sets to some of the neediest schools in our local communities.